Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

WDN Student Scholarships

I’m very proud of this, and very much hope we can do it for all our conferences.

As conference organizers, speakers and attendees, Dave, Derek, Maxine and John have long been aware that while a good conference can be an unbeatable benefit for your career, they are definitely out of the price range of those in our industry who might benefit most — students. We strongly believe that today’s students will have an important role in the future of the web.

Throughout the planning of the conference, we’ve been working on a way to make attending more affordable for full time students in fields related to web design and development. Initially we had hoped to get a sponsor on board for this, and we had some encouraging discussions to that end, but in the time we had this just didn’t prove possible.

We all feel this is an important goal for the conference and our industry, so today we introduce scholarship pricing for students. We have set aside 30 conference seats at $195 (CDN) each for qualifying students. This covers our direct costs per person but not the overall conference costs. If your company would like to sponsor the program, please drop us a line.

To qualify you must be a full-time student in a related field (design, computer science, or a specific web development course, for example) and not currently in professional employment. We are limiting the program to 30 students, and we want to ensure that those who benefit from it are those who need it the most. Please note — when you pick up your conference badge you will be required to show valid identification with an expiry date after February 10th that verifies you are a full time student.

This special scholarship pricing of $195 gives you two days of the conference, fully-catered lunch and breaks, and two receptions – one each night of the conference. This is your chance to meet with peers, industry leaders, and many potential employers, including some of the very biggest names on the web.

To take advantage, if you qualify please use our regular registration page and enter the following code to receive your special discount:


We really look forward to bringing Web Directions North to the next generation of leaders on the web. See you in February.

Dave, Derek, Maxine and John

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Going to #wds18 has given me inspiration to attend more conferences. Meeting tech folks like myself and learning from each other is pretty amazing!

Hinesh Patel Ruby and React Developer