Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Should your organisation have a “web department”?

One of the web’s elder statesmen, and all round delightful person, Jeffrey Zeldman (he did a video keynote for our first ever conference, which you can watch here – it’s about 9 minutes, and a lot of fun) asks today “who should be responsible for an organisation’s web experience?” – Should it be IT? Should it be marketing? Should we be seeing whole new divisions within large organisations which focus specifically on the web experience?

As our profession matures, increasingly “the web” won’t simply be an adjunct to IT, marketing, and other divisions. What is your experience? Is this happening? What challenges does it represent?

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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this was a masterfully curated event … a brilliant day that educated, entertained, and rekindled some old connections

Ash Donaldson Service & Behaviour Design Director, Tobias
Portrait of Ash Donaldson