Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Ten things that will change your future

No, not actually keeping your resolutions (though that might help), but the Sydney Morning Herald begins the year with a look forward to Ten things that will change your future. Well worth a glance, and featuring some quotes from and coverage of Web Directions speakers Adrian Holovaty, Mark Pesce, as well as “founder of the […]

What don't you want for Christmas?

Yes, it’s true, those crazy lads Tim Lucas and Cameron Adams have way too much time on their hands, but let’s indulge them in a bit of silliness shall we? Don’t let that acidic Chirstmas vitriol fester in your stomach until it explodes in a shower of turkey giblets on December 25. Let it out […]

Web Directions North – extended early bird ends Friday

To give folks a little more time to organize at this holiday time of the year, we’ve extended the early bird pricing (only $CDN795) for Web Direction North until this Friday only, December 7th at midnight (just before the 8th starts to be absolutely clear).

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Thoroughly enjoyed Web Directions — met some great people, heard some inspiring presenters and added a whole bunch of things to my to-do list.

Joel Roberts Web Developer