Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Announcing Style Master 5 for the Mac, from the folks at Web Directions

The reason for the existence of Web Directions is more or less CSS. But the story starts a long long time before Web Directions was ever dreamt of. And a big part of that story is Style Master, the Mac and Windows CSS development software Maxine and I have been working on for well over 10 years.

These last few years, Web Directions has really taken over as our primary focus, but we’ve continued to work on Style Master, and on various other projects at westciv, like our CSS Guide and browser compatibility information. Hopefully continuing to actively be part of the industry directly means our conferences will be far more relevant than those run by any old conference company. And frankly, we love cranking out code.

Just a quick note to let folks know that we’ve just released Style Master 5 for the Mac (with Windows on the way). There’s support for CSS and even HTML5 (Style Master can create style sheets based on the content of your HTML, XHTML and HTML5 documents), as well as features like XRAY, to make working with CSS much more productive, and hopefully enjoyable.

And, to celebrate this long overdue release, until June 10th, Style Master 5 for the Mac is only $39.99.

Not many web development applications are over 10 year sold (these days not may applications are) so we are pretty proud of this milestone.

You can get a fully functioning demo version and give it a try – and let us know what you think.

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Three days of talks, two of them in the engineering room. Web Directions you have broken my brain.

Cheryl Gledhill Product Manager, BlueChilli