Web Directions Code 2018

Session Details

Wing Ho

Performant, accessible animations with CSS & a dash of JavaScript

Wing Ho Front End Engineer Data61

Animations have potential to add detail and flair to your user experience, but may introduce some issues for assistive technology and render performance. It’s now common practice to include some animation in web apps to enhance user experience.

We'll go over common accessibility issues with CSS animations, why people may not be aware of the fact that some of their CSS animations are not accessible, and some simple ways this can be resolved with minimal JavaScript. We will also do a quick dive into the performance differences across various animation methods.

Wing Ho

Wing Ho is a front-end developer with a passion for creating great user experiences and a mission to spread awareness of such front-end woes. He occasionally dabbles in powerlifting and swing dance amongst all things tech, and loves meeting other passionate people creating for the web together.

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