Matt Colman

Matt Colman Senior Engineering Manager Atlassian

Building an AI team when no one knows anything about AI

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Building an AI team when no one knows anything about AI

We started a brand new AI team with 14 engineers that have never touched AI before! We started madly learning about AI, LLMs, top-k, temperature, ALL THESE NEW WORDS!

After 6 months, we’ve learned so much, we’re productive and it feels like we’re building something special.

I’ll describe how we quickly became productive, tips to give a large team focus, methodical thinking and some examples how we’re really all just problem solvers.

The audience will get a taste of what it’s like to start prompt engineering for the first time, how backwards it feels and how we can do better.

Matt Colman

A dad, a drummer and JavaScript lover!

Matt has a background in animation, games dev and frontend web dev. Passionate about all things frontend. Super passionate about working in teams and helping engineers grow. Matt has lead teams at Blake, Domain and now currently at Atlassian.

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