Quynh-Chi Nguyen

Quynh-Chi Nguyen Staff Software Engineer Stile Education

Speculative Loading: The Future of Navigation

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Speculative Loading: The Future of Navigation

Speculation can be risky business, but it's worth taking risks for the rewards! With speculative loading, we can predict the future to guess what our users are going to do next, and preload resources to give them a speedier, smoother experience.

We'll discuss when you should and shouldn't use speculative loading, and how to choose what to preload. We'll explore what you can do right now across browsers to speed up your page loads and navigations, and take a look at Chrome's new Speculation Rules API and when to use it.

Quynh-Chi Nguyen

QC works on the platform team at an edtech company, breaking things to make them better. She escaped first academia, then retail, so she’d never have to talk to a bunch of people she didn’t know again. She doesn't know how she keeps ending up in this situation.

She likes Vim and bunnies. Working is just a lazy way to fund her board game collection.

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