Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

The HTML5 History API – Anson Parker

Photo of Anson ParkerGet the low-down on this excellent HTML5 feature and learn how you can add it to your own web projects (and why you’d want to!). We’ll also look at some of the missteps made along the way (like the 2011/12 Twitter web interface).

Write JavaScript like it’s 2012 – Tony Milne

Photo of Tony MilneThis 15 minute party may or may not include: when and how to load and run JavaScript on page load; JavaScript coding conventions you should adopt; a look at writing callback oriented JavaScript and some JavaScript performance tips for fun and profit.

Removing the gag from your browser – Jared Wyles

Photo of Jared WylesBefore we fork out for expensive performance monitoring tools, what if we took the time to listen to what our browser was trying to tell us? We can discover a whole range of features you may have ignored. Discover how to debug network latency issues, memory leaks and other performance fun in our browsers. With web applications becoming more like desktop apps, remaining open for days at a time. Now is the time to listen to your browsers pain and walk away with a new toolkit of performance best practices.

Fantastic forms for mobile web – Tammy Butow

Photo of Tammy ButowLet’s have a look at how new features such as autofocus, required fields, native date pickers, place­holder text and popping up tailored keyboards for numbers and email addresses on mobile devices can make life more enjoyable!

Damon Oehlman – HTML5 API Soup

Photo of Damon OehlmanIn this session we will explore ways you can implement and combine HTML APIs such as websockets, web workers, local storage, and geolocation to make awesome web apps.

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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[Web Directions] is a delicious mix of things educational, social and mind-blowing. It’s time out from the hurly-burly to step back, get some perspective, and develop new ways forward, fortified with a whole lot of new stuff in your head.

Chris Stephens Technology Director, Mozo