Web Directions Design 2018 The Design conference

Session Details

Trace Byrd

Illustrating Balanced and Inclusive Teams

Sara VanSlyke & Trace Byrd Designers Atlassian

The influence of brands on society can’t be underestimated. The technology industry in particular is extremely unbalanced when it comes to diversity, and there is little doubt that a lack of representation in tech brands plays a role — if people don't see themselves represented in tech branding, it’s unlikely they’d consider tech a welcoming place to work.

As a member of the technology community, Atlassian realized its responsibility to depict a more diverse and inclusive vision of collaboration. The Creative Team addressed this opportunity in a number of ways as part of a major brand refresh and found that illustration could be an especially powerful tool to support their effort.

In this session, Sara and Trace from Atlassian, discuss their journey towards creating an illustration system that reflects more inclusive teamwork. They will share some of the challenges they’ve encountered in building a representative brand and lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Sara VanSlyke

Sara VanSlyke is a visual designer based in San Francisco. She currently works as a Design Lead at Atlassian, focusing on complex, systemic brand problems to make them meaningful and consistent across every touchpoint.

Trace Byrd

Trace Byrd is a illustrator turned designer turned illustrator from Oregon living in San Francisco. He currently works a brand designer at Atlassian, helping define the way they tell stories about teamwork and technology.

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